Oil Paintings - Original and Unique Paintings - Cristin's Painting


Oil Paintings by Cristina Iordache, done using high quality paint on canvas or painting paper. Also, check out these beautiful original oil paintings. I'm using brushes and palette knife on canvas or wood. My creations include oil paintings using high-quality paint. Gorgeous oil paintings in impressionism style or in realism. Learn to create oil paintings. Therefore, follow step by step the oil paintings tutorials.

  • Forest painting in oil

    Oil Painting Forest in the sunset

    Oil painting Forest in the sunset  – Painting in Oil Colors Colorful forest in oil paint I was afraid to work with oil colors before, but after attending a one-time oil painting class I learned its secret.…

  • Impressionist paintings - impressionist seascape paintings in palette knife

    Oil Painting – Ship in the Sunset

    Ship in the Sunset Painting – Oil painting It would have been great to start earlier painting oil artworks, but I couldn’t find the time or the courage to get it done. I got used to painting…

  • Padure la apus - Picturi impresionist

    Oil painting with palette knife – Autumn

    Oil painting with palette knife – Autumn – Impressionism One of my favorite painters is mister Leonid Afremov, the impressionist painter. Impressionism is expressing my rage against norms, regulation, laws and standards and my love for colors,…