Planse de colorat cu Num Noms
Planse de colorat cu Num Noms – da click pe imaginea preferata cu Num Noms si descarca in calculator plansele de colorat preferate. Le poti colora cu creioane colorate, markere sau acuarele. Este la alegerea ta!
Daca ai nevoie de inspiratie, te invit sa te abonezi la canalul de Youtube al blogului. Acolo vei primi notificari despre cele mai noi clipuri. Clipurile sunt despre tehnici de pictura in acrilice, acuarele, ulei, guasa, creioane colorate si multe altele.
Nums are one half of the Num Noms series. They are larger creatures than the Noms and usually go on top of them. With their delightful scents and cute designs, collect all the Nums and mix-and-match them to your heart’s content!
Noms are the other half of the Num Noms series. Smaller than the Nums, these little creatures combine with them to form many yummy sweets. With their delightful scents and cute designs, collect all the Noms and mix-and-match to your heart’s content!
Source: Num-Noms fandom
Siteul oficial al jucariilor: Num Noms
Planse de colorat cu Num Noms
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Spor la colorat!