Pusheen de Colorat – Planse gratuite
Pusheen de Colorat – Planse gratuite de descarcat si colorat. Da click pe imaginea preferata si descarc-o in calculator. Apoi, o poti scoate la imprimanta. E gata de colorat sau pictat in culorile tale preferate! Ce mai astepti?
Pusheen is a female cartoon cat who is the subject of comic strips and sticker sets on Facebook. Pusheen was created in 2010 by Claire Belton and Andrew Duff for a comic strip on their website, Everyday Cute. More recently, the Pusheen character has been used in social media posts and on the Pusheen blog. On the official Pusheen website, Pusheen is described as being a female domestic shorthair which is grey and tabby. The original comic strip series included characters modeled after Belton, Duff, their dog named Care, and Pusheen, a chubby gray tabby cat based on Belton’s cat that now lives with her parents in Oregon. Pusheen’s name stems from the word puisín, which means kitten in Irish. Pusheen is sometimes seen with her sister, Stormy. Occasionally Pusheen and Stormy are drawn in different themes, such as Pusheenasarus Rex, where Pusheen is a dinosaur and Stormy is in a dinosaur egg. Pusheen also has a mom, dad, husband, a brother named Pip, and two kids. (Sursa: Wikipedia)
Website Oficial: Pusheen.com
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