Shopkins Coloring Pages Season 2 (Sweet Treats) – Cristina is Painting
Sweet Treats Shopkins coloring pages
Coloring pages

Shopkins Coloring Pages Season 2 (Sweet Treats)

Shopkins Coloring Pages Season 2 (Sweet Treats) – Free cool coloring sheets that you can download and print. Click on the image you like and it will open in a new tab. Right-click on it and save it on your computer. Next, you will have to print it on paper and you are ready to go! Create your cool paintings or drawings with your favorite Sweet Treats Shopkins.

To get all the items from the Shopkins Season 1 click on the next link: Shopkins Season 1 coloring pages.

Shopkins are a range of tiny, collectible toys, manufactured by Moose Toys. Based on grocery store items, each plastic figure has a recognizable face and a unique name. They also have special finishes like translucent, glitter, or squishy. The collectible toys (which are designated as a common, rare, ultra-rare, special edition, limited edition, and exclusive) also have lines of clothing, trading cards, and other merchandise. The toy line began in July 2014.[1][2] As of January 2019, there are eleven seasons of the toys. (Source: WikiPedia)

Shopkins Sweet Treats Team – List of members

  • Poppy Corn
  • Minnie Mintie
  • Banana Splitty
  • Yummy Gum
  • Waffle Sue
  • Ice-cream Dream
  • Cheery Churro
  • Pamela Pancake

Coloring pages with the members from Sweet Treat Season 2

Shopkins Season 2 Coloring pages

Thank you for downloading these cute images! I hope to see you soon!

Have a nice day!