How to Paint a Fox in Acrylics Tutorial? - Video Tutorial
Acrylics,  Tutorials

Video Tutorial – How to Paint a Fox in Acrylics Tutorial?

How to Paint a Fox in Acrylics Tutorial – Video

After I made the video tutorial about how to paint a seascape I wished to paint an animal, a fox more precise, and I decided I should document using a video. As a matter of fact, I decided to document every painting I do with a video. You can watch my painting process and my own techniques. Use them to improve your skills or just amuse yourself. On the first video tutorial, I didn’t work with a video processing software, and I had to upload each video from the camera individually on Youtube. This time I made a series of videos and glued them together using Movie Maker, a free software. I am pretty happy with how it works, although my laptop is very slow when it comes to processes.

The not so nice thing is that I started the video somewhere like 10 minutes after I began the painting. I didn’t set the camera right from the beginning so I missed that part in the video. Sorry about that.

I used a reference photo of a fox. Its eyes impressed me and inspired me to paint it. Somehow the season of the painting is somewhere between summer, autumn or spring.

Steps of how to paint a fox in acrylics tutorial

  1. I made the sketch in crayon after the real image, it was not one on one the resemblance, but this makes a painting unique and personal
  2. In the beginning, I made the background using a blend of dark blue, turquoise, green, brown and black. In the areas that I wanted more light, I used yellow and light brown.
  3. I used flat colors to apply the first coat of paint on the fox’s fur.
  4. I paid more attention to the eyes of the fox in acrylics, because that is what I want to be the focus of the painting.
  5. Applying shadows in blue and green in the darker areas, makes them seem cooler and darker. In the lit areas, I apply yellow and other warm colors.
  6. Using a thin brush I applied black paint to contour the fox. I did this to put the accent in the center of the painting.
  7. Next step was to apply the grass and branches using a fan brush. I discovered how easy is to use this brushes to paint foliage. I admit I underestimated this brush, believing it’s useless.
  8. The last step is to apply paint on the sides and to apply a coat of varnish after the paint will dry. I didn’t film this last step in the current video.


What I learned from this process is that I must be extra-careful how I position the camera, because, in the scenes where I work on the details of the fox, my hair comes between the camera and the canvas.

I promise I will make better videos in the future, where I won’t obstruction the view. 🙂

Here is the video tutorial on how to paint a fox. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for passing by.

Video Tutorial

If you liked my video, don’t hesitate to subscribe to my Youtube channel for more video tutorials.

Thank you for reading.